Dead soil is severely restricted in its fertility either in an over-acidic environment (pH value below 6.5) or due to strong calcification in a pH range above 8 (alkaline). Soil pH is a measure of soil acidity or alkalinity. It is an important indicator of soil health. It affects crop yields, crop suitability, plant nutrient availability, and soil micro-organism activity, influencing key soil processes.
The first measure that is undertaken to address this issue is; pH regulation. One tries to bring the acidic soil towards pH 7-7.5 by adding lime and for alkaline soil nitro-phosphate, potash or nitrogen are used to reduce the pH value from 8 or above to 7-7.5.
Both measures are fundamentally wrong because they tend to solve a biological (i.e. a life) problem with chemicals.

The dead soil is dead because its microorganisms are no more active, i.e. they have no metabolic activity, hence they cannot metabolize anything including chemical substances, and as a result they cannot provide the plants with anything that is nutritious.
An exception to this are greenhouses, in which plants are grown on rock wool or clay granules. These substances are also dead, but they are supplied with a mixture of nutrients and water, which must have a correspondingly high oxygen content. This is a time-consuming, costly and labor-intensive process.
Another, much more effective, healthier and economically viable method is to biologically revive the soil and bring it into its natural balance.
The main cause of soil dying or fatigue is a lack of oxygen in the soil. The overwhelming reasons for this are; over-fertilization, excessive yields resulting in signs of slackening, which have to be compensated with greater use of chemical fertilizers and a constantly increasing water supply.
Monoculture is another reason for poor soil health. With their growing susceptibility to the disease leads to increasing antibiotics consumption and as the name suggests – ANTIBIOTICS – AGAINST LIFE is the cause of the rapidly progressing impoverishment of the soil, up to desertification and desolation – A Global problem.
Accidental oil spills and industrial chemical accidents are also the reasons of soil contamination leading to poor heath of the soil. But these are isolated cases and by no means as significant as the extensive mismanagement of our agricultural land.
Our Solution
Our technology first ensures optimal oxygen supply to the soil by activating the microorganisms. The microorganisms receive the information and react immediately and then switch on their metabolism to oxygen production. This means that they switch from anaerobic to aerobic state (i.e. from oxygen-poor to oxygen-rich). This gives the signal to other microorganisms in the vicinity that the environment is becoming conducive for their activities and they too start waking up from the dormant state. They resume their work and start processing the organic matter present in the soil. Since they are changing their metabolism and now instead of just consuming the oxygen, they also produce it, they really change that Milieu and through their work they provide themselves and all other living beings with the oxygen they urgently need.
Our technology is based on the knowledge that there is never a completely dead soil. There are always remnant of living beings that if get the chance, immediately start reproducing and developing into a population that is appropriate to the requirement. And this happens through the oxygen in the soil. The metabolic product of the aerobic microorganisms is CO2 and water. The water ensures the necessary constant soil moisture, the oxygen is breathed in and the carbon is processed. In this way, the microorganisms can multiply in a very short period of time depending on how much carbon is present in the soil. The carbon sources are mainly used for cell growth of the microorganism.
There is a difference between our solution and other equally valuable biological processes. For example if you add “Humus” to the soil which is not highly aerobic in nature remains as a putrid, toxic mass and usually suffocates the rest the substances still living in the soil or the mass simply dries up. Through our information transformation, exactly as much oxygen is “made available” as the systems actually require in order to be able to develop. When the soil is activated and has processed the existing carbon compounds, it is good to add more easily digestible, aerobic food to the soil for controlled Humus build-up. This can be rotten stable manure, humus from garden waste, agriculture waste or organic waste that otherwise ends up in the landfills. The organic waste is high in calories and rich in protein.
It is a very result oriented combination to get dead or rigid soil out of “deep sleep” first by activating soil microorganisms and then adding organic waste into it. As a result the health of the soil starts improving significantly and that can be observed by smelling it. The benchmark for the top quality soil is forest soil.
The soil can cope with all biological problems only when it’s active and has gained full regenerative power.